| Pramod Jayaprakash
Enemmän makua ja vähemmän suolaa - Let's start the story from there ...
Enemmän makua ja vähemmän suolaa was our starting recipe for creating this product family. Innovative uses organic wild herbs, wild mushrooms, and wild berries was the excitement behind this product family: Puolukka & Chili, Luomu Nokkonen & Malabar Valkopippuri, Luomu Kantarellit &... View Post -
| Pramod Jayaprakash
NOW and BEFORE: EU Organic Food Innovation Award Finalist products
SPICES CHEF further improved the product family, which was selected as Finalist in the EU Organic Food Innovation Award in 2019. The main improvements are in the quality of ingredients and in presentation of products. We have used local and organic certified ingredients to the extend possible. ... View Post -
| Pramod Jayaprakash
Spices Chefille on myönnetty Design from Finland -merkki
Kontiolahdella toimivan Spices Chefin tuoteryhmälle on myönnetty Design from Finland -merkki. Suomalaisen Työn Liiton Design from Finland -merkki voidaan myöntää tuotteelle, tuoteryhmälle tai palvelulle, joka edustaa vahvasti suomalaista muotoiluosaamista. Merkki kertoo, että yritys on invest... View Post -
| Pramod Jayaprakash
MASTER OF TASTE Workshop: Food product development training for Kontiolahti high school students 12.2.2020
SPICES CHEF took part in Yrittäjänpäivä (12.2.2020) organized by Kontiolahti high school. About 18 businesses from Kontiolahti took part in this event. This was the 3rd time the school organized entrepreneur's day. Idea of the day was to let school students know inside lives of businesses and to ... View Post -
| Pramod Jayaprakash
Spices Chef on mukana tukemassa WeFood Suomi - hävikkiruokakauppaa.
Spices Chef on mukana tukemassa WeFood Suomi - hävikkiruokakauppaa. Spices Chef supports WeFood Suomi - Surplus food supermarket. To know more about the idea, brands and companies that support WeFood Suomi, please visit website below. Lisää tietoa/More info: https://wefood.fi/ Osoite/Address:REDI... View Post
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