| Pramod Jayaprakash
MASTER OF TASTE Workshop: Food product development training for Kontiolahti high school students 12.2.2020
SPICES CHEF took part in Yrittäjänpäivä (12.2.2020) organized by Kontiolahti high school. About 18 businesses from Kontiolahti took part in this event. This was the 3rd time the school organized entrepreneur's day. Idea of the day was to let school students know inside lives of businesses and to encourage them to become future entrepreneurs.
SPICES CHEF gave two workshops for 9th grade students - about 30 students took part in the workshop. The title of the workshop was MASTER OF TASTE.
In the MASTER OF TASTE workshop, students had opportunity to experience development stages of a brand and it's products.
Student got glimpses of experience in professions such as:
- Graafinen suunnittelija (Graphic designer)
- Makutestaaja (Taste tester)
- Tuotekehitys (Product development)
- Tarkastaja (Inspection and Control)
- Kauppias (Shop owner)
Kuluttaja ja palaute (Customers & reviewers)
Students were encouraged to create their own brand names. EMIRA, EPIC CHEF, AMERI, A&L Foods, Girls diner, HaLiLi, MiMiEsa ... were some of the brand names students created.
Below are pictures of some of the products students developed under their own brand names:
Students who had drawing skills made graphic designs and labels for products. Everyone took part in taste testing.
In tasting sessions, students got exposure to experience ingredients in different food processing forms: fresh, frozen, air dried, purees, freeze dried, and air dried. Freeze dried lingonberry, freeze dried strawberry powder, freeze dried blueberry powder, freeze dried spruce sprout whole & dried, frozen and freeze dried raspberry, mango puree, papaya puree, Tellicherry black pepper were the ingredients that students got a chance to taste and know more about.
After tasting, there was blind tasting of ingredients covering eyes with a mask. Students seemed to have enjoyed it! All students were able to correctly recognize the ingredients given to them in blind tasting - Masters of tastes :)
Tasting picture:
Own brand products from students together with products from SPICES CHEF:
Sustainability values:
Student were able to get to know and recognize sustainability values, which were important for SPICES CHEF as a brand and company. Students could recognize value certifications and Trademarks such as:
- Luomu - Organic
- Biodynaaminen - Demeter
- Reilu kauppa - Fairtrade
- Vegaani - Vegan
- Avainlippu - Key Flag
At the end of the workshop, SPICES CHEF awarded students MASTER OF TASTE certificates and encouraged them to build sustainable future food brands!
Feedback from students about the yrittäjänpäivä event:
- Mikä yritys jäi mieleesi myönteisessä mielessä ja miksi?
Spices chef, koska se oli mielenkiintoisin
Spice chef. se oli kivaa.
Spices Chef koska hyvää mangososetta
Spices chef, mukavaa tekemistä
Spices chef, sai ruokaa ja muutenkin mielenkiintoinen yritys.
Spices Chef koska ohjelma oli hauskaa ja hyvin suunniteltu
- Kerro mikä oli yrittäjyyspäivän mukavin kokemus tai uusi tieto.
Spice chef.
Mangososeen syönti