| Pramod Jayaprakash
Co-creating the Future of Food - How we developed sustainable packaging for Spices Chef brand?
Spices Chef collaborated with Pack-Age project at Aalto University in designing blue print for sustainable packaging. Welcome to listen how this collaboration progressed to reality. Both Pack-Age project and Spices Chef share their experiences and point of views. Timetable and more information about the event below:
WEDNESDAY 2.9.2020
12:00 Sustainable packaging with Markus Joutsela, Aalto ARTS, & Pramod Jayaprakash, Spices Chef (Zoom webinar: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/64731845620)
Co-creating the Future of Food
Opening of the physical exhibition at the Väre building (Otaniementie 14)
9:00 Instagram live talks with researchers, industry experts & entrepreneurs: Co-creation in the packaged food & beverage industry (https://www.instagram.com/designbts/)
12:00 Sustainable packaging with Markus Joutsela, Aalto ARTS, & Pramod Jayaprakash, Spices Chef (Zoom webinar: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/64731845620)
15:00 Instagram live talks with researchers, industry experts & entrepreneurs: Regionality and internationalization in Finnish food (https://www.instagram.com/designbts/)
9:00 Instagram live talks with researchers, industry experts & entrepreneurs: Trends and challenges in the food industry (https://www.instagram.com/designbts/)
12:00 Current state and future outlook of the insect industry with Topi Kairenius, Hyönteiskokki Oy & Fat Lizard Brewing Co ((Zoom webinar: https://aalto.zoom.us/j/64731845620)
15:00 Instagram live talks with researchers, industry experts & entrepreneurs: From crisis to creativity - food and beverage companies responding to the pandemic (https://www.instagram.com/designbts/)
@spiceschef @designbts