| Pramod Jayaprakash
Spices Chef's new shop partner: Vegekauppa Helsinki
Vegekauppa Helsinki has started offering Spices Chef's products in the shop.
Vegekauppa Helsinki is a Vegan specialist store. The shop has a large selection of vegan products, both food and non-food.
Spices Chef is a brand name that makes organic vegan products in plant-based consumer packaging for sustainable home kitchens.
Spices Chef is the first brand in Finland to pack organic vegan foods in plant-based designer cans for home kitchens.
Spices Chef starts new shop partner cooperation with Vegekauppa with our vegan organic meat-alternative bouillon powders.
What makes Spices Chef's vegan bouillon powder different?
Most meat-alternative foods in the market are sold as ready-to-eat products. These offerings are convenient, but come with a cost. Have you ever tried making your own healthy and affordable versions of plant-protein burgers, sausages, or pasta or noodle dishes in your home kitchen? If you have, perhaps you needed some help with flavoring your vegan dishes.
Spices Chef offers a range of vegan meat-alternative bouillon powders. These powders can give a chicken, meat, fish, or vegetarian flavor to your home-made vegan dishes. To adjust to your personal tastes, you may also find our chef-quality organic herbs, spices, and local food blends very useful.
Vegekauppa Helsinki on aloittanut Spices Chef's -tuotteiden myynnin myymälässä.
Vegekauppa Helsinki on vegaanien erikoisliike. Myymälässä on laaja valikoima vegaanisia tuotteita, sekä elintarvikkeita että non-food-tuotteita.
Spices Chef on tuotemerkki, joka valmistaa luonnonmukaisia vegaanisia tuotteita kasvipohjaisissa kuluttajapakkauksissa kestävään kotikeittiöön. Spices Chef on ensimmäinen brändi Suomessa, joka pakkaa kotikeittiön luomu-vegaanit tuotteet kasvipohjaisiin pakkauksiin.
Spices Chef aloittaa Vegekaupan kanssa uuden myymäläkumppanuusyhteistyön luomu vegaanisilla liemijauheillamme.
Mikä tekee Spices Chefin vegaanisesta liemijauheesta erilaista?