| Pramod Jayaprakash
Spices Chef collaborates with local food concept shop Heinolan Heila since 2019

Spices Chef started collaboration with Heinolan Heila #heinolan_heila in 2019. Heila is one of best local food concept shops. Aesthetically designed, wide range of selection, and professional services.
From #spiceschef, at Heila, you can find organic spice mills, organic meat - alternative bouillon powders, and freeze dried wild berries.
Not only that Spices Chef products can give delicious taste to your food, the products are also suitable as affordable sustainable gifts.
Welcome to visit Heila when you are driving by the motorway A4 at junction 24.
Picture: Heinolan Heila, https://www.heilan.fi/
#heinolan_heila #spiceschef #localfood #lähituottajat #lähiruoka #lahjavinkki #sustainablepackaging #sustainabilitymatters #mycolourfulinterior #mycolourfulkitchen #foodie #fairtrade